Linggo, Agosto 12, 2012

Summary: Lesson 8; Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based Project

Educational Technology 2
Summary: Lesson 8; Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based Project

The Four Types of IT-Based Projects Resource-based Projects In these projects, the teacher steps out of the traditional role of being a content expert and information provider, and instead lets the students find their own facts and information. Only when necessary for the active learning process does the teacher step in to supply data or information. Simple Creations Students can also be assigned to create their software materials. Of course, there are available software materials such as Creative Writer (by Microsoft) on writing, KidWork Deluxe (by Davidson) on drawing and painting, and Media Weave (by Humanities software) on multimedia). Guided Hypermedia Projects It is a self-made multimedia projects that you can use for your instruction or discussion. It can be approached in two different ways. First, As an Instructive tool, such as in the production by the students of a power point presentation. You can apply this in your discussion. It is easy for the teacher to catch up the attention of the students because they love moving letters or pictures and also sounds and the teacher can discussed well the topic because of its beautiful visual aid which is suitable for the topic. And Second, as a communication tool when students do a multimedia presentation to stimulate a television news show. It is easy for the teacher to discuss about news or literature if they have tools like television or you can use your own video clips in order to present the topic they wanted. Web-based Projects Students can be made to create and post webpages on a given topic. But creating webpages, even single page webpages may too sophiscated and time consuming for the average student.
                By the use of IT based project we developed higher order thinking skills to our students that lets the students to organize their mind, giving problems and let them formulate ideas that could resolved it. The use of IT based project which lets the students facilitate their own thinking and making them more competence. The best example to site for this is during Educational Technology 1 when we are task to use the Cyberlink Power Director to make our own short film.
                We should know that the use of IT based project isn’t just the way to achieve higher thinking skills. As a teacher we should know how to use the available resources that usable outside or inside in the classroom to acquire knowledge special to some areas where technology is not yet introduce very well. We should all know that technology is not a replacement to us teacher but it as tool. Developing higher order thinking skills still lies to us teacher and how we handle our students.
                The use of technology today in the classroom is kind of common in some reasons that it could make their lesson easier and faster. We should always bare on our mind that the use of technology is not for the sake of the convenience that it gives us teacher but also to promote conducive teaching and learning process to our students  A

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