Huwebes, Setyembre 27, 2012
Linggo, Agosto 12, 2012
Summary: Lesson 8; Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based Project
Educational Technology 2
Summary: Lesson 8; Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based Project
The Four Types
of IT-Based Projects Resource-based Projects In these projects, the teacher
steps out of the traditional role of being a content expert and information
provider, and instead lets the students find their own facts and information.
Only when necessary for the active learning process does the teacher step in to
supply data or information. Simple Creations Students can also be assigned to
create their software materials. Of course, there are available software materials
such as Creative Writer (by Microsoft) on writing, KidWork Deluxe (by Davidson)
on drawing and painting, and Media Weave (by Humanities software) on
multimedia). Guided Hypermedia Projects It is a self-made multimedia projects
that you can use for your instruction or discussion. It can be approached in
two different ways. First, As an Instructive tool, such as in the
production by the students of a power point presentation. You can apply this in
your discussion. It is easy for the teacher to catch up the attention of the
students because they love moving letters or pictures and also sounds and the
teacher can discussed well the topic because of its beautiful visual aid which
is suitable for the topic. And Second, as a communication tool when students do
a multimedia presentation to stimulate a television news show. It is easy for
the teacher to discuss about news or literature if they have tools like
television or you can use your own video clips in order to present the topic
they wanted. Web-based Projects Students can be made to create and post
webpages on a given topic. But creating webpages, even single page webpages may
too sophiscated and time consuming for the average student.
By the use of IT
based project we developed higher order thinking skills to our students that
lets the students to organize their mind, giving problems and let them formulate
ideas that could resolved it. The use of IT based project which lets the
students facilitate their own thinking and making them more competence. The best
example to site for this is during Educational Technology 1 when we are task to
use the Cyberlink Power Director to make our own short film.
We should know that
the use of IT based project isn’t just the way to achieve higher thinking skills.
As a teacher we should know how to use the available resources that usable
outside or inside in the classroom to acquire knowledge special to some areas
where technology is not yet introduce very well. We should all know that
technology is not a replacement to us teacher but it as tool. Developing higher
order thinking skills still lies to us teacher and how we handle our students.
The use of technology
today in the classroom is kind of common in some reasons that it could make
their lesson easier and faster. We should always bare on our mind that the use
of technology is not for the sake of the convenience that it gives us teacher but
also to promote conducive teaching and learning process to our students A
Summary: Lesson 7; IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
Educational Technology 2
Summary: Lesson 7; IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
Skills Framework
To define higher level
thinking skills and creativity, we may adopt a framework that is a helpful
synthesis of many models and definitions on the subject matter. The framework
is not exhaustive but a helpful guide for the teacher’s effort to understand
the learner’s higher learning skills. In the traditional way of
teaching, it is only focused in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
abilities of the students. The modern way of teaching, with the use of IT is
more complex.
When comparing this newly designed
framework to the old one which is the Bloom’s Taxonomy I could clearly see that
this is really amazing which could really expand information that leads to new
understanding to the learners not like the old one which limits potentials to
the students to develop more ideas.
Since people now days are
fond of visuals as to photos and graphics, it is easier to attract and enhance
their creativity. It is easier to facilitate learning when students are
attracted and influence to do creativity in their reports or presentations.
They would love to make assignments and create projects for they know with the
use of the educational technology; there is variety, originality, and limited
options to use.
a future teacher I will apply these thinking skills to classroom in order to make
my students more active in learning and to know what there higher order thinking
skills that they possess. Not that I will use the traditional way of teaching
but I will use this frame with the use of IT based project which students could
find resources through the use of computer.
Summary: Lesson 6; IT Enters A New Learning Environment
Educational Technology 2
Summary: Lesson 6; IT Enters A New Learning Environment
four conceptual models namely Meaning Learning, Discovery Learning, Generative
Learning and Constructivism are useful in achieving instructional goals through
preferred application of educational technology. With these conceptual models,
we shall see how effective teacher’s best interact with their students in
innovative learning activities while integrating technology to the
teaching-learning process. Meaningful
learning this gives focus to new experience that is related to what the
learner already knows. A new experience departs from the learning of a sequence
of words or memorization through rote memory but gives attention to meaning. Discovery learning this kind of
learning is differentiated from reception learning in which ideas are presented
directly to students in a well-organized way, such as through a detailed set of
instructions to complete an experiment or task. Generative Learning In generative learning we have active learners
who attend to learning events and generate drawing from this experience and
draw inferences thereby creating a personal model or explanation to the new
experience in the context of existing knowledge. Constructivism the learner builds a personal understanding through
appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment. The most
accepted principles of constructivism are: learning consists in what a person
can actively assemble for himself and not what he can receive passively. The
role of learning is to help the individual live/adapt to his personal world.
As a student I sometimes observe some teacher that
doesn’t care that much about their learning strategy, they are sometimes
concern that they could finish the syllabus of the subject that is offered.
There are only few subject that this learning style can be notice.
These four conceptual theories of learning gives
us the idea and the realization that education ought to enhance and develop a
person’s skills and abilities by making use of what has been presented in
understanding present situation, or in solving a problem or explaining the
relevance of what has been previously learned and what has been currently being
learned. Actually this does not mean that we will stop memorizing or doing
drill activities. But these things not ought to be the way/method to educate a
student or introduce a concept to be learned because in the first place only
the memory will be exercised with a drill, after which, most of the times we
forget and cannot apply it.
By the use of informational technology I can mold
my future students to be better. As a teacher I would be the one responsible
for giving them new information and knowledge not just this but also
introducing them to the new technology around them that could be used in their
Summary: Lesson 5; State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices
Educational Technology 2Summary: Lesson 5; State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices
The use of modern information technology in this field of education is now considered a necessity to keep pace with economic and social progress. Schools can no longer rely solely on the traditional methods of teaching because their students will be put at a disadvantage when compared to the students availing of advanced technological devices that have been made part of their schools facilities. However, these modern IT inventions such as computers, hardware, software, internet, etc. are quite expensive and are constantly improving so most of them become obsolete and out dated. So schools have to update their technological facilities to advance a state of the art level. Teachers also have to learn new skills and knowledge on how to use this state of the art technology and apply it to the learning process. Students are encouraged to be more creative and independent in seeking information and doing projects thru the computer and internet.
Today’s teachers are technology oriented wherein they use some of the technology in teaching to enhance the learning and teaching process to their students. But some teacher would stick to the traditional teaching way because as they don’t know how to manipulate such technology, it would only be a waste of time and cost expensively.
If an educator could say technology in teaching takes time and in experience is a kind of educator who never set a new level of learning in acquiring the appropriate use of state-of-the-art in his/her learning process. Although applying and adopting the advancement of technology is expensive and takes more time, we know that it would help us develop, enhance, equipped, improved and acquire our computer skill in assessing our learning as we adopt technology in our modern world.
Computer now a day is becoming to be a necessity in teaching in order to improve the teaching and learning process to the students. As a future teacher the use of integration of educational technology in instruction would enhance not just the teaching and learning process but it would also encourage students to participate and be more creative in acquiring knowledge, but still integrated strategy and technique would still be needed in order for it to function.
Summary: Lesson 4; Basic Concepts on Integrating
Educational Technology 2
Summary: Lesson 4; Basic Concepts on Integrating
Integrating technology is
the use of learning technologies to improve the teaching skills of a teacher.
The difference of this in the traditional teaching is that the way of the
teacher in conducting a class, in which technology help’s in supplementing, and
reinforce in the students learning.
In educational technology 1 focuses in the simple
basic integration where in middle level of integration is not emphasize that
much. Educational technology 1 was a stepping stone for us 21st
century learners to experience the use of integration technology in
instruction, it apply all the technology resources that are available to amend
the process of teaching and learning
Technology today
plays a vital role in teaching since it is the 21st century. Also
students today are looking for new strategy in teaching that a teacher could
provide in the classroom. The level of integration makes the learning and
teaching process to be more interactive to the students.
As a future teacher the use of technology would
be more convenient as a tool during instruction. The use of integrated
technology in instruction would determine when to use the desired technology to
enhance the teaching and learning process.
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