Linggo, Agosto 12, 2012

Summary: Lesson 6; IT Enters A New Learning Environment

Educational Technology 2
Summary: Lesson 6; IT Enters A New Learning Environment
                The four conceptual models namely Meaning Learning, Discovery Learning, Generative Learning and Constructivism are useful in achieving instructional goals through preferred application of educational technology. With these conceptual models, we shall see how effective teacher’s best interact with their students in innovative learning activities while integrating technology to the teaching-learning process. Meaningful learning this gives focus to new experience that is related to what the learner already knows. A new experience departs from the learning of a sequence of words or memorization through rote memory but gives attention to meaning. Discovery learning this kind of learning is differentiated from reception learning in which ideas are presented directly to students in a well-organized way, such as through a detailed set of instructions to complete an experiment or task. Generative Learning In generative learning we have active learners who attend to learning events and generate drawing from this experience and draw inferences thereby creating a personal model or explanation to the new experience in the context of existing knowledge. Constructivism the learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and a good learning environment. The most accepted principles of constructivism are: learning consists in what a person can actively assemble for himself and not what he can receive passively. The role of learning is to help the individual live/adapt to his personal world.
As a student I sometimes observe some teacher that doesn’t care that much about their learning strategy, they are sometimes concern that they could finish the syllabus of the subject that is offered. There are only few subject that this learning style can be notice.  

                These four conceptual theories of learning gives us the idea and the realization that education ought to enhance and develop a person’s skills and abilities by making use of what has been presented in understanding present situation, or in solving a problem or explaining the relevance of what has been previously learned and what has been currently being learned. Actually this does not mean that we will stop memorizing or doing drill activities. But these things not ought to be the way/method to educate a student or introduce a concept to be learned because in the first place only the memory will be exercised with a drill, after which, most of the times we forget and cannot apply it.         

                By the use of informational technology I can mold my future students to be better. As a teacher I would be the one responsible for giving them new information and knowledge not just this but also introducing them to the new technology around them that could be used in their learning.

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